Thursday, November 29, 2007

That's No Moon...

The next line should be, "that's a space station," if you are a Star Wars fan, but in my case it very nearly describes what the oral surgeon pulled out of my mouth late this afternoon. He extracted some huge piece of debris that was the size of the Death Star from my gum where one of my wisdom teeth had been. I don't know what it was; I don't want to know. All I know is that it hurt like a Sarlaac all day and not even Vicodin or Jedi mind tricks could touch the pain. His nurse stuck medicated dressings on both sides which I have to get replaced again on Monday and Wednesday. The pain subsided almost immediately and it looks like I won't have complications from the surgery.

1 comment:

wasteco said...

About the same happened to me 3 weeks ago when i had my wisdom teeth pulled. One had a huge cyst underneath and the extraction of that took thrice the time the pulling of the tooth needed. To add to the mess,at the first checkup appointment the frakkin dentist forgot to change that desinfectional stuff they put in there, and the pain of getting that out (without local anesthetization) almost knocked me out.

But in the end , it really feels good to have those teeth and specially the cyst removed...