Monday, July 27, 2009


I am toast. My patience is gone, and I am ready to be done with summer school.

When summer school began, it was explained--twice--by two different people, including the summer school principal--that the law states that you cannot miss more than eight hours of summer school. If you miss eight hours and one minute, you cannot pass. Period. End of story. Whatever you do miss has to be made up with a teacher licensed to teach the subject you are taking, but you cannot miss more than eight hours. Very simple, right? Wrong. Here's how the conversation went today when a student missed her second day:

Me: "Student X missed again today. That's too bad, because now she's missed nine hours and she can't pass."

Them: "But she made up that first day."

Me: "You have to make up any missed time, but you can't miss more than eight hours."

Them: "But she made up that first day."

Me: "It doesn't matter. The law says you can't pass after you've missed eight hours, no matter how much time you make up. She has missed nine."

Them: "But she made up that first day."

Me: "You're not listening. This is the law, not a personal decision. You can't get a credit if you miss more than eight hours."

Them: "But she made up that first day."

Me: "It's not like a counter that resets when you make up time. It accumulates, and when it exceeds eight hours, you fail."

Them: "But she made up that first day."

If anyone out there thinks teaching is easy, this is the mentality we have to deal with day in and day out. I've had enough. Time tomorrow to give a final and be done for 19 days of vacation. After this summer, I could use it.


Wendy said...

But you made it up the first day....I dont understand what the problem is GEEZE

No wonder the kid is in summer school. Wonderful role models. NOT

Unknown said...

Hang in there, sweetie. We love you & will be home soon.

Michael O'Connell said...

Well if you're going to use big fancy words like "accumulates", Mr. I-went-to-Harvard-or-Oxford-or-whatever, how do you expect normal folk to understand your confusing rules? We're not scientists, man, speak English!

KC Ryan said...

But... she made it up already!


Man, that's kind of tough, isn't it? To actually show up?

Rose McClain said...

They're trying to turn you into one of them! Run! RUN!