Saturday, April 18, 2009

Slow Learner

You know, I should have learned the last time I tried blogging every day, that eventually it's just like pulling teeth. Eventually I run out of good things to say and just write something because I have to write something.

I planned to write every day over vacation, but you know what? I was having too much fun doing things to actually write about all of the things we did. And let's face it, you don't need or want to know the minutiae of my days. I use Google Reader to keep up with several blogs and some of them just seem like vanity pieces where the writer is so in love with their own writing that you'd think they were being paid by the word. On the other hand, I have friends whose every word I would follow if they were describing their having the proverbial teeth pulled, and I wish they'd write more often.

Anyway, from this point on I'll write when I have something that I think someone will have some interest in. Sometimes I get five ideas in a day and spread them out, and sometimes I go days at a time and just post about what someone else wrote about. I'd like to be a more honest writer than that. We'll see how it goes.

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